Things I have noticed so far:
1. You literally might die in a taxi. Saying these drivers are crazy is the understatement of the year.
2. When they say sausage ("salchicha"), they mean hot dog. We have hot dog slices for breakfast.
3. They don't put ice in any of their drinks. Which is weird.
4. If you turn on the bidet without actually being on it, expect it to shoot water WAY up to the ceiling.
5. Everyone walks everywhere. (Except for near-fatal taxi rides)
6. People speak quickly. Keep up.
7. Pizza is the same internationally.
8. They WILL clean your hotel room every day, like it or not.
9. Most people are friendly if you initiate something.
10. If you're a girl, you have to kiss everyone on the cheek when greeting or leaving.
So basically, I'm not yet as enamored with this place as Joseph is, but it is growing on me. The culture is different in many more subtle ways as well; ways that are hard to put into words. The people are much more enjoyable than the actual scenery, although I can't complain about the prices of the objects I've seen so far. I'm working on seeking the Lord in everything I do, and not paying attention to worldly motives. We are here to serve HIM. More later.
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